Let your love shine – Spring hair Colour 2015

Paris may be the city of romance but Somerset has a special place in the heart of lovers everywhere. 

We all know the view of Glastonbury Tor on a misty morning is every bit as romantic as a stroll along the Champs Elysees.

But were you also aware that the great poet and writer, Chaucer, who is credited with the first recorded association of St Valentine’s Day, once lived in the county?

Chaucer, who held the title of deputy Forester of the Royal Forest of North Petherton, referred to the patron saint of love in his “The Parliament of Foules” written around 1381.

Somerset has always been a place where great ideas are launched or are given a unique twist by the people who live here.


Spring hair Colour 2015

Nowhere is that more true than in the hair, beauty and fashion industry. I love watching how the styles and trends which grace the catwalks of Paris, Milan and London, filter through the hands of local designers and stylists.

Last autumn, the runways echoed with a nostalgic 1970s look, with influences as varied as the movie classic Saturday Night fever to Bohemian chic and even kimonos.

Around Taunton, I have already spotted warm hair colours to match the patchwork denim and flares from designers such as Saint Laurent and Gucci. Top of the list are rich browns, brown reds with platinum ash blond really out in front.

Have the courage to be you

There is a natural look to hair styles this spring. Remember simplicity does not mean boring as long as it is cut just for you and not someone else. Be brave, remember you are unique go to a hair designer who see that too. Look at Frankie from the ‘Saturdays’ (strictly come dancing) who looks stunning with a simple crop. She has the perfect face I hear you cry…yes but if she copied so many in her business with extensions she would look ordinary raising a casual glance rather than a full 365 head turn.

New Colour Contouring

Beckie Lyons, Redken Colour Artist for Combers has launched a new service called Contouring. This is a colour service that puts your face in the frame. In the same way that Make-up artists use high lighters and bronzers to  give cheekbone chiselling, nose sculpting and face slimming magic, Beckie has invented a way to extend this service to your hair, matching hair colour to a gentle tone around the eyes or on the cheek that is designed to work the same magic on individual face shapes. It is uber-trendy and you don’t need to be a stick-thin model to carry it off, whether in the office or on a night out. So beautiful…. More detail next month

Before you morph into a butterfly this spring, your hair may need a little spring MOT after the long winter.  I recommend you make an appointment with your stylist in February to plan your spring look if you have not already done so. Is last years look still reflecting back at you in the mirror?  Maybe your hair is still suffering from a new years eve hangover, then take the energy from Love and nature to prepare for Spring and launch the new you that you promised yourself.

Here are my Top Five Tips to get you started.      

 Get rid of split ends that winter and central heating exacerbate. This gives you a chance to at least discuss early opportunities  for change with a professional instead of a friend. It is normal to be scared of change, we understand this, we are clients too.

Change your shampoo and conditioner. As the days grow longer and – hopefully – warmer, you’ll need more moisture added to your hair. That way, you’ll avoid the frizzled look and prepare your locks for the summer ahead.

Think colour. Just as the trees are preparing for new colour in Spring, so you can also freshen up your look with a colour that suits your skin tone  face shape and wardrobe. Ask about contouring.

Go glam. Try some new accessories that don’t have to cost a lot but can give a hairstyle an instant lift. 

Nothing will work against you more than a pair of spectacles that are the wrong shape or colour for your face shape, hairstyle and personality. If you want a hairstyle that says you look younger wearing specs that say something else, well you get the picture. So remember to have your new hairstyle and contour colouring service first, discuss new ideas for spectacles with your stylist before making an expensive mistake of doing the other way around. You could ask your stylist to go with you, a service that we highly recommend you try.

      So, shake off those winter blues. Spring has sprung and so can you!