beckie lyons 1

Working Hours

TUE 10:00 - 16:30
WED 10:00 - 14:00
FRI 9:30 - 20:00
ALTERNATE SAT 8:30 - 17:00


Cut & Finish£71.00
Child Cut & Finish£42.75
Gent's Cut & Finish£55.50
1/2 Head Foils£108.75
3/4 Head Foils-
Full Head Foils£130.25
Full Head Permanent£78.25
Full Head Semi£53.50
Colour Glossing£61.50
Spiral Perm£211.00
Luxury Perm£126.50
Smoothing Keratin Treatment£164.00 - £271.00


Beckie Lyons

I feel that I am a natural therapist, as I am a positive person that loves psychology and people.

I am often asked for my advice on lots of issues, as I can see both sides of a situation and have been told that I am very balanced.

I guess the test is to see what my family think, as I have two young sons with my husband and I am determined to ensure they are happy and content and to get the work life balance rights, so I can enjoy quality time with them.

I am an independent stylist and have worked with Combers since 1997 where I began my career. I am proud to say I have helped shape the values that sustain our vision and love teaching and sharing my knowledge with fellow stylists and guests. I am an independent assessor and head up the delivery of education for Combers apprentices at Combers Academy.

I specialise in Colour and have degree-based qualifications in colour with two major colour houses, which enables me to confidently work with guests using that strong creative input and cutting edge fashion and a reputation in colour correction for clients that ‘phone up and say “Help”! The secret with Colour, like most things, is having a sound education in the foundations. Knowing what can be done and what can’t and the confidence to express your opinion.

Independent Contractor to Combers - Beckie Lyons - Service address: 28 Roys Place, Bathpool, Somerset. TA2 8AX