Value First

I don’t know about you but in this period of uncertainty, I am much more selective in my spending.

If you are too, then the respected change analysts Mckinsey & Company who posted the results of a recent survey suggest that you are not on your own.

They conclude that consumers are switching brands at unprecedented rates, which is especially prevalent among Gen Z and high earners because of price and perceived value for money. Consumers have made it clear that their priorities are security, trust and clarity. 

It would seem we are happy to spend more money but are just more choosey. We choose brands that have demonstrated reliability and have an established track record. Purpose driven companies and those brands that treat their employees well contribute to the local economy and make, or sell, products that connect with our emotions and life positively.

We are no longer in the mood for flashy visuals, celebrities, sponsored influencers, excess and wastefulness.

Value for Money

We don’t always recognise the full value of something until we lose it. For instance those losing their hair spend more on average to get it back than they did when they had it.

The daily investment for a bespoke made to measure haircut, maintained every 6 weeks by a Combers Inside-out skilled professional starts from just £1.00 per day.  Personalised with 3 or 4 colours skillfully woven through your hair four times a year only increases this investment by another £1.00 per day.

Hair is often our mood maker, the gown we can never take off, so whatever clothes we buy, wherever we go, however much we spend, the trust and investment we place with a hairdresser is one which consumers  perceive more than ever as fantastic value for money. 

Combers inside Out Hairdressing… Hair designers with added Value

Big Impression

We remember people by their hair; it leaves a big impression …..”The old lady, with grey hair”….” the dowdy girl with mousy hair”… “ The stylish lady with blonde highlights”….  “The pretty girl with a short bob” ….How does your hair define you?

The next time you are having a bad hair day ask yourself: 

  • If you have the right hairstyle for your hair type, head and face shape? 
  • Who chose your hairstyle, you, or your hairdresser? 
  • If you did and they just agreed or asked “how much do you want cut off”, then you are the designer and you are investing in a haircutter.

My advice

Not all hairdressers are designers.

  • Choose a hair designer you trust. One that listens and asks pertinent questions.
  • Ask them what style would suit you, and why. You can always say no, or perhaps next time
  • Choose a hair salon with the same care that you would choose a school for your children. One that invests in CPD (Continuous Personal Development)

However If you are not prepared to invest enough in your hair every day, always looking for the next bargin, chances are, neither will your hairdresser……They simply wont be able to afford to.

To discover more about the Combers Inside-Out’s unique purpose and meet our Team of hair designers, visit