Men’s hair

MOST politicians want to be known for their policies.

But there are a few who tend to get as much attention for their hair. Mrs Thatcher never appeared at the despatch box without her perfectly set trademark 80s matron look. Michael Heseltine may be retired from the political scene, but he still retains those long, flowing locks which earned him the nickname of Tarzan. 

Today, Donald Trump probably gets more attention about his famous hairstyle ( or lack of it) than any other politicians on the world’s stage – certainly more than his rival, Hilary Clinton.

The recent arrival of Justin Trudeau, the Canadian PM, has in my view, single handily revolutionised men’s hair care.


We’re used to footballers setting male hair trends, but Mr Trudeau’s loose, unkempt curls get him attention wherever he goes. His style suits his classic, boyish good looks and it’s good to see that even though he’s in charge of a huge country like Canada, he has not forgotten that style and image need to be congruent with your verbal message and who its for, if you are to be an effective leader images-1

I’ve noticed a big change in men’s hair care these past few years. Perhaps guys like Justin are following a trend rather than leading it?

Either way, especially in the month when we celebrate men and dads on Father’s Day, I’m delighted to see how we males are paying more attention to hair styles and hair care.

At Combers, our stylists have reported a big increase in male customers. They don’t just come in and ask for ‘the usual’ or ‘a tidy up, please.’

Whether it’s because of politicians or footballers or maybe their partners guiding them, men are becoming more hair conscience.

I always believe the starting point is a sit down with your stylist. If you go to one of those very busy salons or barber shops where the queue is as long as the magazines are out of date, maybe it’s time to rethink who does your hair and where. You may have noticed barber shops are changing and opening at pace from the traditional to the trendy, but for most men in Taunton over 25, not covered in tattoos with a liking for hip hop, they can often feel an intimidating prospect.

Not all about Trend and Fashion

Your hair should compliment your style, but the easiest way to elevate your style is paying more attention to who cuts your hair and what shoes you wear.  We all lead increasingly busy lives but  a proper consultation is essential. with our one you only get a hair cut not a hair style.  Your stylist should sit down, talk to you fave to face, never over your shoulder through the mirror.

Tell them about your job. For example, if you are a motorbike delivery driver, you might need advice on how to care for hair that spends eight hours a day flattened under a stuffy crash helmet.

If you are a gardener working in the open air, hair can get dried out in summer or become brittle in winter. Spend all day in an office, flicking greasy hair back away from a computer screen? Have a chat about conditioner to tackle problems caused by the sudden temperature change or thinning hair. Hairdressers are the experts on hair colour and with so many more men discovering the secret of maintaining their youthful looks is more than a trendy cut, but a touch of colour, then building a relationship with a hairdresser allows a conversation around colour to develop organically.

But what if you want fashion and trend


The undercut hairstyle has been a longstanding men’s hair style  for some time. The great thing about this style, is it can be adapted and updated without too much trouble.

The undercut is youthful, street wise yet also office slick.  Here are my three top undercut styles – but of course, there are others or why not talk to your stylists about inventing your own undercut look?

The classic undercut:

Trimmed sides but not over long on top. This more conservative men’s hair style retains its popularity because its ideal for those important meetings but relatively simple to achieve, even when you’re running late for those meetings.

Combers staff love to show you how to get the best from products. keeping the style in place and looking natural in the work suit and switching up for an evening out

The layered undercut:

You want something a bit different, this look exaggerates the definition of the men’s hair cut, fullness and depth are added . It’s equally adaptable and not at all difficult to maintain when know which products to use

Side-swept undercut.

Don’t be scared by the word pompadour. It’s got nothing to do with poodles or 1950s beauty parlours. The pompadour is the final word when it comes to the classic men’s hair cut and a pompadour look undercut really delivers style.

Combined with the  side-swept undercut, the result carries that extra edge.

So, guys, I know its father’s day but there is no need these days to look like your father. Get  to a good salon, be courageous and ask a hairdresser ‘what could you do for my hair’, They will be thrilled and you will too.

As they often shout in the House of Commons: “hear, hear!