Taunton Town centre – Who cares Wins

In response to the following criteria Combers Director Simon Willetts, commits to Taunton councils new inititive,
“Who Cares Wins” Retail Service Excellence Award and would welcome all his guests support to win and have the Hair slaon and Colour Bar recognised with this prestegious honour. Please note that the closing date for entries is
5pm on Thursday 21st April 2011

Combers Hair Salon Customer Service

In addition to the bare minimum of eye contact and a smile our ability to engage with our guests and not just meet but exceed their expectations has been part of our company philosophy since 1982. Word of mouth and social varification is our lifeblood. It all begins by listning, asking the right questions and listning some more, before imparting the relevant advice for each individual need. This advice usually centers around helping guests to choose the right hairstyle for both face, personality and hair texture and what and how to use the products and tools to acheive the same result at home. Finally we refere to customers as guests as it sets our team thinking and focusing  in the best way being that it personalises the relationship in their mind.  It is more difficult to be anything but polite and respectful to a guest, where  it is my experience that more often than not many disengage from giving too much of themselves to a ‘Customer’ because the relationship is not perceived as personal.